Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is Judy Jones another Lady Ashley?

After reading through, "Winter Dreams," I saw many similar traits.  One is their interest in usually masculine events.  Brett enjoys watching all of the bullfight, and Miss Jones wanted to play golf.  They also share a masculine like promiscuity and cheat on their man constantly.  They both also have a man-pet that is wholly in love with them and reveal their insecurities to.  Brett confides in Jake, and Judy in Dexter.  Jake is told by Brett all of her social woes and problems with the men she is with, while Judy does the same thing and cries in front of Dexter multiple times, each time admitting something massively personal.  They both also entertain the idea out loud of the lives they could have had with their respected man-pet.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh at "man-pet," Chris. We talked a little about these parallels today in class.
